Jessica's Blog

Just another weblog

as for the creativity videos… September 9, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — jess0704 @ 3:19 am

… they presented equally captivating speakers who made their audience feel the passion that they possessed for recognizing creativity. I thoroughly enjoy TED talks. I think that the speakers are extremely educated and I am always drawn to their way of speaking. They are able to captivate and control my attention, while informing me of their opinion. I agree with them on many levels when they spoke about our society down playing the  importance of a creative person or creative areas of work. They are seen as odd or not main stream, when who is really to be the judge of that? I agree with the idea that our society has also given many writers a stigma or bad connotation in the sense that many of them have committed suicide so therefore all of them must be somewhat unstable.


i will begin by saying… September 8, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — jess0704 @ 4:08 pm

…that the videos we watched in class were truly interesting; however, many aspects were farfetched. I felt that they touched upon many of the same ideas and drilled in the suggestion that many of these major advances in technology may not be an easy transition. The videos stated that many major corporations, such a Google, Amazon, and Microsoft would someday come together and essentially the world would become virtual. I don’t know how I feel about a world where tasks can be accomplished in everyday life virtually by a “clone” of you. It takes away an element of individuality that many people strive to obtain their whole life.



here it goes… September 2, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — jess0704 @ 4:49 am

Hi! Im Jessica Alvino. I am most commonly known as Jess, unless you’re Jody Alvino (my mom) and you’re screaming at me, in that case im called by my full name…Jessica Lauren Alvino. I am a Sophomore English major, with a Communications minor. I am a beginner in the “blogging world”, unless you consider Facebook “wall to wall’s” blogging.  To be honest, I am not quite sure of what angle to take with this blog. I think it’s really interesting that people enjoy reading other people’s daily thoughts in these blogs. It is another way to dive into others lives, just as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and even away messages on AIM ave done so effectively in my generation. My mom thinks that all of those websites previously mentioned are creepy and invasive. She does not understand why I care about what my friends are doing through out the day. I am excited to learn about blogging, and hopefully people won’t be put to sleep by what I have to say.