Jessica's Blog

Just another weblog

what i mean to say before i coughed… December 17, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — jess0704 @ 5:54 pm



How have social media technologies such as texting and facebook effected our generation socially in comparison to our parent’s generation?

Intro: It is safe to say that times have changed. Just one generation ahead, and my parents find it hard to relate to the way that our generation communicates. My mom told me she feels that this generation lacks the necessary social skills needed for daily life. She questions our ability to progress in certain areas such as interviewing, public speaking, and getting a job, when our preferred form of communication is often non-vocal. My dad, who has a job in sales, was required at a young age to be comfortable verbally. He explained that the only way to get to know someone whether it was a boss, or a prospective client was in person or over the phone. Where as today, an interview, meeting or simple conversation can be done through e-mail and even be read over a cell phone. Because of these changes he struggles to find employees who posses the qualities he feels are essential for a job in sales.

When I asked him why, he explained that this generation of men and women are searching for the fastest and easiest path to achieving their goals. Leaving them with little or no work ethic. I was able to connect these characteristics of impatience and laziness with the popularity of our social technologies.

When asked their opinions on cell phones, both parents agreed that this generation has become overly dependent on the cell phone.  Saying that a cell phone can be a burden, leaving a person with little or no time to themselves and their family. Although both parents realize how beneficial cell phones have become, they still do not understand the constant need to stay connected.

 A normal phone call does not concern or bother my parents, because they value the personal aspect of that type of conversation. Texting and Facebook seem to strike a nerve. My mom does not see the need to text when you have the ability to hear someone’s voice and have a full conversation. It does not help that texting is currently being depicted as a continuous distraction, taking away the focus of teens in school, at home, and even while driving.

As far as Facebook is concerned, both of them agree that it is an invasion of privacy, and are confused to why this generation has become infatuated with other people’s lives. They feel as though this generation is missing out on the simplicity that life offered before these technological advancements.

When did technologies such as texting and Facebook change from being an aid to a person’s life into a necessity?

Let us fast-forward to 2009. Many people have completely eliminated their house line, strictly receiving and making phone calls with their cell.

To this generation the cell phone was only the beginning. Offering the ability to stay connected when a person left his or her house 

Most believe the texting phenomenon is where it all began. Texting gave people the ability to communicate without speaking out loud. It became an instant favorite of teens across the nation, who stated that they would much rather not be heard. You might ask why this is the case? Teens have become disinterested in talking, and feel like texting is quicker and more efficient. Some may agree…

Personally, I have unlimited text messages each month. I vividly remember the day that I argued with my mom in the Verizon store about why it was adamant that I have an unlimited amount of text messages each month. Honestly, I do not know if I could come up with any legitimate reasons for having and endless amount of texts if someone were to ask me today. Unfortunately, texting can be viewed as an obsession.

Statistics show that in December 2008 Americans had sent out more than 110 billion text messages. With the average teen sending around 2000 texts per month! In comparison the average teen is only making and receiving about 231 calls per month! Although there are advantages of being able to send a short message without getting into a deep conversation, texting has numerous disadvantages as well.

There are no personal elements to a text. Unlike being involved in a phone conversation, there is the option of completely ignoring a text. Although I have definitely been ignored on the phone, on more than one occasion, it is much easier to get away with it through texting conversations. Additionally, texting can lead to miscommunications that would normally not happen on the phone. People tend to interpret texts by reading further into what they think the sender meant. How are YOU supposed to know what THEY are thinking? It is impossible.

Even though over the phone you cannot see a person’s facial reaction or body language, you are able to hear the tone of his or her voice. During a phone conversation you are able to hear things such as pauses, laughter, and crying.

Even simple misinterpretations involving texting often cause problems. People tend to over analyze minor things that they would completely bypass in everyday conversations.

Often people type things in a text that they would not be able to say out loud. It is easy to type something with out worrying about seeing the person’s reaction

I don’t know if any of you are like me but I am the type of person that will sometimes read a text, put my phone down and not answer for a while. This seemingly harmless action has lead to MANY arguments. I find myself explaining the simple fact that I left my phone on my desk to go make dinner or take a shower. If I had been on the phone I would not have been able to put my phone down and leave it for 20 minutes without explaining to the person on the other end what I was doing.

Texting has expanded the English language.  Words have been shortened and abbreviations stand for full sentences.  All of these shortcuts prove how impatient our society has become. Not only do we not have time for phone calls, we cannot even send a text in full sentences.

So what else do we rely on to get us through the day besides texting? I would say most of you would agree that Facebook has become part of your daily routine.

Facebook as we all know, became a tool for people to reconnect and stay in touch with new friends while meeting new ones.

Lets be honest it is the extremely creepy way of getting to know someone, but has become more than socially acceptable. Shouldn’t it alarm us that the action of “poking” someone on facebook has become a way of sparking conversation?! 

All you need is a person to accept you as a friend and you have the ability to access them on a completely different level. Facebook has ultimately become a form of voyeurism. Why does our generation care what everyone is doing every moment of their lives? What is the appeal? Are we just curious?

I would say yes we are curious. And if we do not care about the lives of these people then why do we spend countless hours on facebook reading and viewing?

Don’t you find it odd that after you read a person’s wall or view their recent pictures you feel like you have gotten to know them on a different level? You feel as though you are up to date on their lives. What about when the average Facebooker has not been on Facebook for more than a week or two? Although this is extremely unheard of, people begin to jump to conclusions. They wonder if that person is sick or something happened to them or their family. And once their page is updated it is like they have come back into the world. “ Oh she must be fine she liked one of my pictures last night”

Facebook allows for people to form connections that would normally take a lot longer to exist. If you had met a boy in our parent’s generation, how long on average would it take you to see his family pictures, know the ages of his brothers and sisters, or even know where he vacationed the summer before…? I would say a lot longer then the 2 minutes it would take if Facebook were involved. This is another example of how impersonal Facebook is and how can make people feel like they know someone before they have even met.

Our society is enthralled with the lives of those who surround them. I think that a Facebook News Feed can be compared to the actual news. It can be even more directly compared to news taken place in tabloids, exposing celebrities’ lives, relationships and issues as Facebook exposes its users. Statuses, which can be seen as a silent form of communication, remind me of the sections of the tabloids that relate celebrities to average people. Oh look not only has Tony Romo dumped Jessica Simpson she is going to the grocery store…but why do we care? Well the same thing can be said about Facebook…why do we care that Jessica Alvino “cant wait to go home for break so she can see her girls” We shouldn’t care…but we still read them.

Facebook is defining people’s lives with little no speaking out loud involved. This is not a normal way to communicate. Every aspect of Facebook has its own importance.  Relationships are determined virtually through facebooks, friendships are made, and pictures are commented. There are endless opportunities. On how many occasions have you heard “Yes! They are Facebook official!” Has Facebook official become equivalent to a marriage license? Or my other favorite line is, “Oh are the back in a relationship on Facebook? Because his says Single and hers says she is still in a relationship… what do you think that means?” It has come to the point where deleting someone as a friend is basically the same as being exiled from a country

Finally I would like to compare the extent to which Facebook has changed the ability to communicate for purposes of dating.

For example, let’s compare the approach of dating with my 16-year-old brother Scott to my dad at age 16. Scott thinks that the first step of getting to know a girl is by requesting them on Facebook. (He is so wrong) Since my dad did not have that luxury, in order to get someone’s

phone number he had to take that extra step and actually talk to them… out loud.

Scott develops relationships through facebook because he figures “Hey why waste my time and meet the girl if I can look at her pictures first and see how I feel?” On the other hand my dad’s next step would be calling the girl who is pursuing and asking her on a date. Unlike Scott’s virtual approach, my dad was interested in forming a normal human connection and then determining whether or not he would want to continue a relationship. Scott thinks commenting a girls picture and writing on her wall in the same day is showing a lot of interest, where as my dad gave flowers. See the connection? Funny thing is…Scott does not have a girlfriend…he still has some things to work on.

The fact that texting, iming, and even facebook chatting have become the “conventional” way of communicating is extremely unfortunate.


TED TALK DESCRIPTION! December 11, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — jess0704 @ 8:02 am

About this talk

Texting has completely replaced a normal phone conversation.
It has ultimately overshadowed the simplicity if calling someone,
making it seem like too much of an effort. People rather limit
their communication with the person on the receiving end due
to our generation lacking necessary social skills. This talk
discovers why we as a generation rely on these social medias
such as texting and Facebook to stay connected.

About Jessica Alvino

Jessica Alvino is a sophomore at St. Joseph’s University. She is
currently an English major with a Communications minor. Jessica
is the Co-President of Greek Council at St. Joseph’s and is involved
in weekly service as well.


dun dun dun… TED TALK December 10, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — jess0704 @ 6:10 pm

Well, this is what we have all been anxiously preparing for this entire course… the TED talk. This infamous talk will be the pinnacle of the Communications class. When we first got the assignment I have to say I was slightly overwhelmed. The TED talks that we had seen in class were impressive, to say the least. I was not sure if I would be able to thoroughly express my ideas in a clear way. After taking some time to think about my topic I came up with an idea based on an area of technology that directly relates to me.

I want to explore how substantially Facebook, texting, and other sources of social media directly affect the lives of people of my generation. Texting alone has taken the place of phone conversations. Additionally Facebook has changed from being a way of staying in touch, to the only source of communication or lack there of between people. If deactivating your Facebook is the end of the world…you know there is a problem.